PO CES VIGO (Spain) - STEM degrees and how to access the labor market

06 marzo 2024 — Gondomar ajouter à votre agenda

We are working with the Adecco company to prepare the visit together. The visit will take place at the high school.

Plastic Omnium female staff will present their experience in technical university degrees and their professional experience at Plastic Omnium. Our intention is to encourage girls to do STEM degrees and make visible the role of women in the industry.

On behalf of Adecco, a senior female consultant will accompany us to talk about “how to do a job interview” and which are the most demanded profiles today and which will be the most demanded in the future.

Contact person : Mauro González Montenegro (mauro.gonzalez@bisocastro.com)

Postal address : Estrada San Cosme, 36419 Pontevedra (Spain)

High school : O Castro British International School Vigo https://ocastro.britishinternationalschool.com/es

Course : 4º ESO (14/15 years old)